Our Curtain Maker and Curtain Details

Discover the art of custom curtains with professional sewing, premium pleats, tailored tracks, and rods designed to elevate your space.

Our Curtain Maker and Curtain Details
  by Nysa Leon


Design curtains are sewn in professional “trade only” sewing rooms, both in the North and South Island.


Our Invert Pleat Curtain Details:

  • Pleats: Invert (box) pleats are a timeless favourite, and stack back more tightly than drawstring tape curtains.

  • Top of curtain – Sewn in pleats using 10cm white Bikram tape

  • Side hems - overlocked with double turned over fold 

  • Bottom hems - overlocked with double turn up hem 

  • Sewn in Lining – Blockout thermal lining is sewn into the top pleats of the curtain. The bottom hem of the lining will sit slightly higher than the front fabric. Lining is attached to the curtain down each side with plastic pin hooks.

  • Coloured lining is coloured one side with a thermal white finish on the back. Curtains are sewn so that the coloured side faces towards the room. The white side (back) faces the glass. Test your chosen fabrics with our different lining colours to see which look you prefer.

Our tracks and rods – max width 580cm 


Tracks: Our plain tracks look streamlined and are simple to install. The curtain sits at the top of the track, and when the curtains are pulled close, the curtain covers the track. Each track comes with brackets which are mounted on the wall. The tracks give a premium finish when fitted hard up against the ceiling. When fitted at ceiling height, the curtain almost touches the ceiling and you almost achieve a “floor to ceiling” finish.

Choosing Plain Tracks also provide you some wiggle room with measurements. You can lift the curtain up higher or drop it lower. (2cm up or down) Plain tracks help to de-risk your measuring and adjust the hem length.

Double Tracks:
for two layers of curtains we supply two matching plain tracks with longer brackets to hold both tracks.

Round Designer Rods:
Our round rod is popular and simple to install. The curtain hangs under the rod as the rod is part of your curtain feature. Rods look best if mounting just above the door/window. They have a more decorative look. Using rods means that the curtain cannot be lowered or lifted to adjust the hem length of the curtain.

Double Rods:
for two layers of curtains we supply a rod and track system with longer brackets. The round rod sits at the front with the main curtain hung under the rod. A small track ( smaller than our plain track) is fitted on the back and the small track holds the lining or the sheer.

If you require a rod/track wider than 5.8 metres, let us know and we can supply two pieces of track and joiners for you to join onsite.


Wood – Tracks need solid fixings


Curtain brackets must be drilled into wood. If you are building new, and the gib is not yet on, we can take a look at your framing during a consult. And provide direction for your builder. If you are in an existing house, and are not sure where the wood is behind the walls, we include detailed instructions in our sample kit. The kit’s measuring and install instructions include where, and how to find wood framing behind your walls. Disclaimer: we are not responsible for inadequate fixings or lack of solid wood for your installation. 

  by Nysa Leon

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